Saturday 23 February 2013

Baby Bedroom Bonanza

We've come to the point where we are starting to decide what we are doing with the baby bedroom. At this current moment in time the baby room has a single bed in it, a couple of doors that still need to be hung in various rooms around the house (including the baby bedroom) and lots, and I mean lots, of junk. Bits and bats that make up the house, like under floor tiling, bathroom tiles, panels from the bathroom and pieces of wooden skirting board that really just need to go in the bin. However, Adam rarely has time at the moment and I am forbidden to lift anything heavier than a cotton wool pad (slight over-exaggeration BUT it sometimes feels like that's all I can carry - I am quite capable of carrying things but, I've been told not to over do it but I sometimes forget that I'm pregnant and carrying an ever growing child in my belly).

So, yea we have that to contend with before we even get started on decorating the bedroom. I think Adam is going to tackle it when he has a week off in March - it was the week we were going to go away and have a bit of a vaycay away from the world, but oh well, we have to make do. Once Adam has cleared up the baby room we are going to figure out what we are doing with the single bed; I presume we are keeping it for the spare bedroom downstairs (once Emily moves out). Then the walls need sanding and painting.

This is where my brain got to with regards to decorating the bedroom when I decided to ask Adam's opinion on what colour we should do it. Not expecting a response other than 'Do whatever you want' or 'whatever makes you happy' I was gladly surprised when he said pink and green with a border going through the middle. So I got onto the good ol' Pinterest which will never faileth on giving good ideas and found these colours.

The top green and the lighter pink

I showed them to Adam and I guess we must know each other well because he likes the colours that I found which is awesome. So once the junk is removed, the walls are sanded, then we can paint and decorate with a border and put a carpet in... not forgetting furniture and some curtains then we are away. The day baby arrives seems to be only a moment away which is why I am starting to panic about things and books, people and websites keep telling me that I should get things sorted as when I enter the third trimester (in only a few short weeks time) I won't have the energy to do it. I suppose this is what a husband is for. He has bigger muscles than me so can lift more.

But if on the off chance that things go belly up and we don't get time straight away to finish all the essentials baby can sleep in a Moses basket or on our bed and we can change her on the floor. Haha, not ideal but beggers can't be choosers. I've been looking at bulk furniture sets from ToysRUS and they seem pretty cheap and some websites have really good deals on baby stuff so should we buy separate or should we buy sets... this is my dilemma at the moment.

Was trying to find a picture of me as a baby that Mum put on Facebook but I can't find it -
so if you have it Mum, please send away 


  1. You could just put the baby in a drawer :)

  2. Yeah that too! :) Except we don't actually have any bedroom drawers as we have the built in wardrobe. She could live in the kitchen drawer with the utensils though :)

    Do you have that picture of me as a baby somewhere? I am sure I saw it on FB a while ago but I haven't seen it since.
