Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I know some people won't celebrate Valentine's Day and I know others won't have anyone to celebrate Valentine's Day with BUT I will celebrate it with you! I hope everyone felt a little bit of love today even if it wasn't from a special someone and I hope everyone celebrated the day doing exactly what they wanted and they were happy.

Adam was at work all day and he was a little late this morning so we didn't get time to open our cards and I didn't want to open mine without Adam being there so I told him I would patiently wait until this evening to open it. So, when I went downstairs this morning I saw a nice big red envelope... not too big as to look cheesy (personal view but I hate hate hate the massive Valentine's Day cards they just look so tacky - to me anyway, others can love what they wish) but it was big enough and bigger than the one I got Adam.

I love this man more than words could ever say.

Beside it was a little bear with a heart on it's tummy. I have no idea why (probably hormones you know how it is people) but I suddenly got a tear of happiness in my eyes. Adam had gotten me a bear! He had gone out and seen it and thought I would like it and so bought it. I was so thrilled! He gives romantic gestures in his own little way throughout the year but not in the usual chocolates or flowers (and hasn't given me flowers to date yet) but I don't mind that. He loves me the only way he knows how and that is perfectly beautiful enough for me. I haven't named my bear yet but he shall go with me everywhere I go.

Adam later noted that he wanted to get me a bigger bear but he knew I would be a little annoyed since we don't have lots of spare cash at the moment, and I don't like money spent on me when I know it needs to go somewhere else. He got me exactly what I wanted and I baked him a cake, which we are currently munching on.

It should be noted that I might not bake again until the end of my pregnancy, or after baby Ava is born because I just can't seem to remember anything or get any ingredients right. I forgot to grease my tin this afternoon (luckily it didn't matter much) and the other day I made such a mess in my kitchen for the pancakes so I don't think I will be doing that again in a hurry!

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