Wednesday 13 February 2013

Knit, Sew, Stitch

Yes, yes. Another one of those tabs at the top of the page that says 'Coming Soon' on it but if you check all the other tabs they finally have something of interest on them! I promise.

About five maybe six years ago my mum sat down to knit something for the Bliss charity - a charity for those beautiful little children born too soon and so they have tiny little bodies and maybe aren't so well. It was Christmas time and the church every year made bundles to give to the mothers of the premature babies. Mum was knitting hats the size of tennis balls and cardigans that would fit only the smallest of dolls; never mind a baby. I was always really fascinated by what she was doing and would watch her needles click clicking together magically changing a ball of wool into something that could be worn or used. I wanted to help and do something for the Bliss babies too and so did my sister, Emily. So, we started to knit. Or, rather, Emily started to knit and I got frustrated, told mum I couldn't do and sat and watched from afar as my sister and my mum click clicked together in their little clubbing of needle clicking.

Time went by, a few years in fact, things happened and my patience changed and it was Christmas again, or coming up to Christmas so my mum got her knitting needles out and I sat again in awe of what she was doing and decided that this time I would try it. I would sit down and put needle to needle with wool and create something. My first piece of 'something' had holes in it. It had dropped stitches or too many stitches and couldn't have been used for anything useful but I did it and I got the hang of it. And because I had figured it out as a treat Mum and I went out to the shop bought some wool and a pattern to make a hat and a scarf. It was a plain scarf with a simple pattern but it was still a scarf and when I was finished making it I was extremely proud of the blessing I had received to have patience to be able to get it done. I was also blessed with a warm neck and head for the winter time!

Two years since then and my skills have gotten a little better and I can finally read patterns without my mum having to write them out for me. And since I have a baby on the way I decided to give a cardigan a shot. I wasn't very good last time and I don't even think I sewed it up properly. But this time I have followed the pattern to the T and I may have gotten stuck and I may have pulled it out more than once but that's just because I want it to be the best it can be for our baby Ava.

So, every now and again I will write a post on the piece of clothing I am knitting at the moment and on the Knit, Sew, Stitch page I will put the pictures of the things I have been knitting recently. I think the more I do the better at it I will get. Nobody can say practice doesn't make perfect in this circumstance especially since before I started my cardigan and a blanket I made a couple of weeks ago I didn't even know what an 'eyelet' was let alone how to knit one!

Getting there...


  1. oh WOW its nearly there. I have my uses :)x

  2. Haha. I finished it yesterday night, just needs sewing together and the collar putting on so I am bringing it to Bradford with me so you can help me on the last bit, BUT it actually looks like a cardigan it's amazing haha
