Sunday 17 February 2013

One, Two, Miss a Few...

... Ninety Nine, One Hundred.

I told Adam I had to do my blog today and he asked "Why? Can't you just do it tomorrow?" valid question which has a valid answer. I told him I didn't post on Friday and I didn't post yesterday because the day ran away with me in a polka dot bag on a stick on it's back and so if I didn't post today there wouldn't be a good flow to my blog; and I don't want to get out of the habit of blogging before I've even gotten back into it.

I found out at some point last week that my body doesn't like sugary things, it gives me a headache and sometimes makes me get really bad heartburn so I was determined not to eat that much, however, that quickly went out the window when I went to my mums for the weekend; we are here until Tuesday. I blame Adam. He should be with me at all times and in all places so that when I get offered chocolate he can eat it instead of me but when I was given a tray of Thornton's Chocolates (capital letters needed for the chocolate's importance) to share with a friend on Friday, how could I refuse? Then it just went downhill from there. So, I think if I write it down and tell everyone I shouldn't be eating too much sugary things then hopefully I will stop myself from eating too much. My mum also has Pepsi, a cup full of flavoured sugar; bring on the unladylike burping.

How could anyone refuse?
Then yesterday we went to visit my youngest sister, Bethany, in Preston. She made everyone a Sunday dinner complete with roast potatoes (Thank you Bethany) which was delicious, scrum-diddle-e-umptious. So I ate all of that and yes, you guessed it, more chocolate. It wouldn't be so bad if I had remembered to take my Gaviscon to my mum's house, but I didn't. But I seem to be coping on the paracetamol at the moment for the headaches.

So, this weekend has just been too busy to get everything done. I should write my blog from my phone but the app I have to write it with isn't very good and blogger doesn't seem to exist on the Windows phones... something they need to correct pretty soon. Plus my brain remembers some things and forgets others which is slightly annoying and by the time we got back from Preston yesterday all I wanted to do was sleep for a couple of hours. Adam and I were supposed to be going to see a film at the cinema so I wanted to get in a little nap to get rid of the headache before we went. I slept for a couple of hours, got up and wanted to go back to bed but, I persevered in staying up for a couple more hours yesterday, and still didn't want to get out of bed for church this morning.

I love Kitty piccys!!
Well, that's me for the past couple of days. Tomorrow I'm not quite sure what we are doing besides visiting my brother in the evening and then on Tuesday visiting my Grandma and Grandad so I shall keep all updated. It's weird when Adam gets five days off and we go to my mum's house for the long weekend because we try to cram so much in and we get ourselves so busy that we never seem to stop. Don't get me wrong it is lovely to see people but sometimes the roller coaster of life really should just slow down for a minute or two.

1 comment:

  1. yes but you will get to spend most if not all of tomorrow in bed :)
