Monday 25 February 2013

Trial, Error and Then Some

In the middle of last week I finally finished the cardigan knitting pattern that my mum sent me via email. I must have done something right because it actually looked like it was supposed to and everything sewed up in the right places and voila I made a cardigan. It just needs buttons.

So, on Friday, I decided to get started on a pretty but simple pattern that Adam's mum had given me. I am using a beautifully soft wool that my sister Emily bought me a month ago when she was out in town with her daughter and it is the perfect pink. I don't usually like pink, in fact I really don't like pink, but, this pink is beautiful. It is the definition of baby pink.

I looked at the pattern and previously Adam's mum had highlighted a size that she wanted to do for Adam's nephew, Leo. I figured I should go with a smaller size as I don't remember if she was knitting for Leo when he was first born. I started to cast on and did a few rows and it looked tiny! It definitely looked small and when I sized it up against other cardigans I have and the one I made previously, it didn't size up at all.

So, I pulled it out.

Then I decided to follow Adam's mums highlights as it wasn't the smallest or the biggest and seemed to measure about right. I cast on I knit a few rows, it didn't look too small so I knit a few more, then went from rib to stocking stitch and carried on, until I realised that the back of the cardigan would need to be 27cm long and my baby cardigans were only 20cm long; that's 7cm, which is a lot, and I had knitted about 12cm before realising this was going to be way too big for a newborn and sure I could have carried on and hoped in a little while baby Ava would be big enough to fit into it; which I am sure at some point she will, but something didn't seem right so...

... I pulled it out.

Now I am doing the smallest size again and even if it kinda looks too small the measurements match some of the cardigans my mum has made for baby Ava so I am just going to go with it and hope it works. I just got a bit bored of doing stocking stitch which is actually the easiest stitch to do besides knit knit knit knit knit - garter. But oh well.

We had an appointment with the midwife today and all is well with baby Ava, but I shall update you more on her tomorrow.

P.S. Sorry this post is so late. I've been out all day and then got home, had dinner, did FHE, and watched a TV program I've been meaning to watch all week.

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