Sunday 10 February 2013

Primary, FHE & Church

Or should that be Church, Primary & FHE?

Nor one or the other is more important but I guess I can't have FHE and Primary without Church.

Again, another one of those random tab things I have at the top of my page for who knows what reason... well why don't you click and find out?

I shall explain more about Church, Primary & FHE in the tab named the aforementioned but for now Sunday shall be my day of posting about Church, Primary and so on and so forth. I love going to church for the simple reason that it makes me happy. Someone once asked why I go, what I do it for. I simply said,
"Because this is the only Church I know of that answers the question of who I am, who I was and where I am going next" the biggest questions of all... and no the answer, unfortunately isn't 42; like we are led to believe in Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Today was a lovely day at church. I love Primary and the children I work with and couldn't possibly ask for a better calling (besides being a mother). In Primary today we sang some songs and played 'Name That Tune' for the songs we've been learning recently and then we talked about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and why they came to Earth. Such a simple and yet incredibly important lesson to learn. But I think they understood it perfectly.

We have a mini problem with behaviour at the moment, because with kids being kids they don't like to sit and behave all the time. We have a system in place where if they behave they get to put a piece of armour on the 'Warriors' but for the past few weeks they have been nothing but trouble sometimes and today we had a meeting about we could eradicate the bad behaviour, nip it in the bud so to speak before the child gets too erratic and sets off other children in the room - we don't want to punish the lot for the few if you get what I mean.

So, we had a chat and I prayed and had a think about it and I've put it to the Primary President that we should make a 'traffic light' system but more basic. We have green badges for good children and red badges for bad children. When they come to the classroom all the children are presented with a green badge and if they misbehave they get the green badge taken from them and are given the red badge, if they are still misbehaving and being disruptive we take them to their parents (after-all nobody is perfect). Those who have green badges or green stickers against their name at the end of Opening Exercises and Sharing Time get a gold star on the chart, those who have red badges or stickers get nothing - because nobody should be rewarded for bad behaviour. So, hopefully this should work but let me know what you think.


  1. Maybe yellow stickers instead of red, red is such a bad bad colour.

  2. Hmm, thanks :) I shall let the others know :)
