Things I have lost since finding out we were expecting a baby:
I lost some knitting needles. Or rather I don't my know where they are. They must be somewhere. When I used to knit at my mum's house I had a bag full of knitting goodness and now I have no idea where it has gone. I have looked everywhere. It had needles of most sizes and even some extra wool but still no idea where they have gone.
My purse. Disappears all the time. I like to think I have put it in a safe place and think to myself that if I put it in this place then I am going to definitely remember it but no I don't. The safe place is most definitely the safest place it can be because I never remember where it actually is. I think that's a good place for it to be until I need it for something, then I have to pull the house apart to find it. One time I went a good couple of weeks without knowing where my purse was at all because I had my bank card and my bank card was really all I needed but then I figured I should find my purse because it had my driving licence in it. Silly me.
My bank card. Looked everywhere for it. I knew I had given it to someone after we had been shopping for food. I thought I had given it to Emily to put in her purse, so I checked her purse, checked Adam's wallet and still there was no card. I even rang my bank and asked if anyone had used it but they hadn't. Nothing new had been set up and nothing had been taken out of the account so I knew it had to be somewhere. However, just to be on the safe and yet annoying side, just before Christmas I cancelled my debit card. The new one came rather quickly but a month later my husband found my bank card in the inside pocked of his suit for church, mushed up with some tissue.
My keys. These are forever getting lost. I really should put them in my bag. I have to remind myself to put them in my bag but then if nobody else is around and doesn't remind me to put them in my bag then what am I to do... I can't remember everything. I even forgot my keys the other night when I went out to see a friend and I knew my mum wouldn't be up when I got home; which ended up in me banging on the front door at midnight and ringing the house phone non-stop (which nobody answered) until I rang my mum's phone and she sleepily plodded down the stairs barely awake enough to open the door.
I can't help it. It's not my fault. In fact, I think I was going a little crazy before I even got pregnant. I blame it on not working. Your brain slows down and doesn't have to work to 'deadlines' as such, it still needs to work to deadlines but not ones that you get paid for. I know I have to be more organised and it is all about being more organised and doing this to help that and putting that there to remember this but somehow, somewhere the communication of that to my brain doesn't work. It drops through the filters and into the never never. If I just remembered to leave my keys in my bag then I would be fine. If I just remembered to put my purse in my bag I would be fine and if I left my bank card in my purse then it wouldn't get lost.
But do I remember any of this.
No, of course not.
What you need to do is develop habits. The habit of putting your things in the same place every time you are not using them. With me my keys are either in my bag or in the door that way i know where they are, although if you asked me what my birth date was on a bad day i probably wouldn't know.