Sunday 3 March 2013

A Testimony of Cheese - or Thereabouts

I asked my sister what I should write my blog on today and she said I should write it on cheese. I am not quite sure what she meant by that as my blog has never been about cheese and the posts I write would never connect to cheese so, sorry, this post isn't going to be about cheese.

Hmm... this is made from cheese.
Today was testimony meeting at church; or should that be with a capital T?

Testimony meeting is the most wonderful Sacrament Meeting of the month and always lands on the first Sunday. At the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Testimony meeting is where we stand and share our feelings about the church and about how we feel our spirits grow through different things during the month. Or, it could be about something that happened to you months ago and you still remember it now. It could be about anything that brings you closer to Christ and uplifts others around you.

I love listening to other people's Testimonies of how they enjoy the spirit and the gospel but my mind always goes blank as to what I would like to say to other people without it sounding the same as everyone else. I know I have a Testimony and the people around me, in my family, know I have a Testimony of the Church because they see it in me and how I act every day yet I never share my Testimony and as people say if you don't share it then it won't grow.

My first meal after baby is born will be THIS cheese with tomatoes OH MY OMMMMMM

But can you share it in the actions, thoughts and feelings that you enrich in yourself and provoke in others? I really like to think so. I like to think that people know I do the things I do and live the way I live because I know the gospel of church is true and it is something I can never deny. I tried to deny once, I didn't go to church for 5 years and kept blocking it out of my life because I wanted to believe it was wrong, I refused to believe it was wrong. Yet, that niggling feeling just wouldn't go away. So, here I am. Doing what makes ME happy and through that I received blessings that I would have never thought possible.

Both my sister and my husband put me to shame today by pushing aside their nervousness and getting up on the stand in front of other members to share their Testimonies and each one of them was beautiful. Even young children got up and bore their Testimonies with the pure innocence of the love of Christ oozing out of every fiber of their being. I know what that feeling is like and when I experience it again I will get up and share my Testimony with others. My husband says he doesn't think he has ever heard me get up and bare my Testimony which is quite sad really to say we've been together for so long now. But I vow to myself that the next time I get the feeling to bare my Testimony - and those of you who know what I am talking about - I will bare it. It's pretty much like your heart wants to jump out of your chest and stand on stage for you.

Happy Sunday everyone. I hope you had as good a day as I did.


  1. Thank ya :) x i didn't realise you got them a day late :/ or two days late since its Tuesday now - i keep losing track of days but I know you know what that's like xx
