Saturday 16 March 2013

Who Do YOU Think You Are?

This is a programme that I love which is currently on TV. Not sure which channel but I know it is there somewhere. It follows celebrities (or some are more film stars, singers etc. so famous people), famous people in their quest to find out who they are and where they are from by using family history sources available to them. These sources could be websites, census forms, parish records and sometimes even books.

There is a UK version and of course the Americans took us up on the good idea and now there is a US version BUT I love this version because it has some really famous people in it like Gwyneth Paltrow and Steve Buscemi, both of which I love and would never be on the British version. They start off with the basic information of their parents and possibly grandparents and then work back from there to as far as something interesting can take them. Sometimes they even go back four or five generations and find out some incredible stories about what happened to their loved ones.

I think this show is a brilliant tool in raising awareness about our family history to people all around the world. For years The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has always pushed the idea of family history so that our families can be joined together from now until eternity - and how are you supposed to do that if you don't know who they are? So, now with programmes like Who Do You Think You Are? There seems to have been a massive increase in people searching for their family history to know who they are and whey they are from.

I know one or two people that don't really care about their family history and that don't want to know more about how came before them and that's fine but sometimes curiosity just gets the better of us and we want to know more. This is why we have experienced an increase in websites helping people search for their family websites such as and have become vital in helping people connect with other loved ones that they didn't even know existed; another reason I love family history.

Sometimes searching through your family history can bring up little surprises that you didn't expect such as one story I read recently about Kevin Bacon and his wife, Kyra Sedgwick who were looking back through their family history and their DNA when they found out that they were actually cousins (once removed), Kevin Bacon although slightly started by this revelation was put at ease by his wife who said that because they were once removed cousins it didn't matter.

But you just never know what might crop up for you. My mum works on the website and as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ and knows so MUCH about family history. She can search almost anyone and if you're looking for someone she will keep searching until she finds them for you. My mum is brilliant at the family history stuff so if you're looking for someone you should just let her know and I am sure she would help.

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