Might be too good to be true but we shall see.
There are some good pregnancy websites out there such as:
They give good advice, you can get good advice from other people and weekly updates on how your baby is developing. I don't know which one of these I gave my phone number to but it was an interesting surprise to receive a call from a representative of Disney. They asked me if I was due to have a baby soon - how awkward would it have been if I had said no? I told them yes I am and she said "Congratulations" in a really happy 'Disney' sort of way. You know the way they talk to you in the shops.
Then she said as I am pregnant Disney are giving away free books and Micky Mouse bookshelf and they would be arriving within 30 days. There was a catch though, a nice small catch. They said they would also be sending two other free books and if I didn't want to keep them I would have to send them back first class post but if I did want to keep them then I would have to pay I think, £5 in total for each book. Then she gave some blurb about if I kept the second set of books without returning them within 10 days they would sign me up (automatically) to the Disney collection of books where they send you two every 4 weeks at the cost of £5 each. But I asked her twice that if I sent the second two books back within 10 days then it wouldn't continue on and she said no.
So, cool. I get two books and a bookshelf free then when I get the next two books I send them back and all is done. Awesome. I like freebies. I keep getting random freebies in the post which is nice because I hardly ever get post since all the bills are in Adam's name. So packages are awesome. However, we shall see about it when it gets here...
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