Wednesday 6 March 2013

Date Decisions: Scobberlotching

My husband and I go on a date every Friday even if it's sitting in the living room together watching a film eating popcorn. We are friends with a few other married couples and one couple in particular has their own blog called 'Scobberlotch'.

How cool is that name? Scobberlotch, Scobberlotch, Scobberlotch. It's a good word to roll off the tongue with a nice pinch at the end.

Anyway, our married friends have this blog and on this blog they have one of the best things in life, FOOD! They review restaurants and cafes, little quirky ones that pop up down the side streets of Newcastle (and in the area) or large homely ones that drag you off the motorway onto the side road calling you in for food. The good thing about their blog is that they prove you can go on a date on a budget and you can enjoy a good meal in a 'fancy' or 'kooky' restaurant for cheap. And THAT's what I love. They also make a joint effort in writing posts about shops or market stalls that sell awesome and de-lic-i-ous foods. The way the duo talk about the food makes you want to go out and buy food from that store, right now, even if it's late at night.

And it is because of this reason that I asked the wonderful duo if they could suggest a place for Adam and I to go out for dinner one night this month. I told them the budget we have and that we don't have a preference as to where we would like to have dinner, besides somewhere 'different'. We would just like to go somewhere different rather than the usual cinema every week.

This is what they say about their blog:

She stumbled across the word scobberlotch in a textbook during her first year of university. He discovered it again 2 years later and reminded her of their mutual love for the word. When deciding on a name for this blog, she tried to be all arty and romantic and ended up just being one big cliché. He, again, reminded her of the word and their mutual love for it grew even more. So they lived happily ever after with the name of their blog. 
scobberlotch: (v) to loaf around, doing nothing in particular. 
We write this blog because 1. we love food, and 2. because we want other people to start exploring the eateries in the towns and cities where they live, rather than just always going to the big brand restaurants (Nando’s, we’re talking about you!). We think that when you start exploring your local food places then you truly start to know your area. We are by-no-means food experts. Just a hungry food couple with budding appetites. Oh, and we live in Newcastle, England.

They do have a page on their blog called 'Our Scrummy Picks' which does show you some of the cheap and delectable places they've enjoyed so far and I could have picked one of these for Adam and I to go to BUT our friends know us really well so I am sure that if there is one they've liked or one they think we will love that isn't on their 'Scrummy Picks' page then they will suggest that one.

So, I can't wait for the suggestion(s) that they come up with and you can peer at their picks too by clicking the superb link below:

Superb Link to Scobberlotch love

Don't forget to keep a look out on my blog for their suggestion and how it went! It'll be a Saturday post - just so know you.

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