Tuesday, 19 March 2013

All Systems Go

Or half go...

Adam has the week off work so today he started on the baby room whilst I tidied our bedroom and then we went food shopping.

It is hard to imagine what the room will look like once we have all the mess out of it but we will get there eventually. He probably lost about a stone just walking up and down the stairs all morning getting rid of the rubbish in the room which will soon go to the skip. For some reason no matter how many times he swept the floor today that he had cleared it was still really messy but I guess once the floor is clear we can put a carpet down and won't even need to worry about the bits of sawdust underneath. So far Adam is 1/4 of the way through the room, in fact I would probably say about a third which is awesome; and with my sister we found the right colours of paint needed for the baby room and the right border which is extremely cute. We could have gone for wallpaper for the whole room which could have been cheaper than paint but then it wouldn't go with the rest of the house so oh well. We probably won't be decorating the room until May anyway but since I can't paint I guess it won't matter.

I have been trying to get round to cleaning our bedroom for days now and the wardrobe has turned into more of a dumping ground for any type of clothing and bedding but at least it is all clean so I tidied half of that today. I have a friend who I used to go to university with and I went into her room one time and she had all her clothes on her floor and referred to it as her 'walk-on-wardrobe' which is what was starting to happen to our clothes so I needed to do something about it before we start having to carve paths through our mountains of clothes to get to the door. So, I was trying to sort the clothes whilst getting rid of rubbish and getting very tired out in the mean time. I get very tired these days - not even exaggerating, silly fat belly. 

Food shopping went well. We managed to get 7 meals to last us for the week for £32 inc. the toilet roll!! Which last time we forgot. We don't have much else planned for the rest of Adam's week off. Thursday I have to have a whooping cough jab but then not much else is going on really. We don't really have any money to go anywhere but it is nice to have him around the house for more than 3-4 hours a day. We were sat watching TV earlier and I was kind of reading something but talking to myself about it - and yes you do it too, you know you do. And Adam kept asking me what I was saying because he thought I was talking to him but I just said "Don't mind me just talking to myself, not used to having people around the house during the day time so just ignore me" because I was talking about rubbish anyway but still he asked me again what I had said when I mumbled to myself - at least he is polite.

P.S. Sorry about the random white box in the blog, it was supposed to be a picture but I can't see it on my blog draft to actually delete it... so it will have to stay.

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